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              What can we do?      

        User centered integrated design solution

        • Optimize design solutions

        • Modern organization produces

        • Cooperative joint venture

        • Professional after-sales service

              About Si Chen      

        Machinery Co., Ltd., with win-win cooperation, service as the first concept, to build equipment manufacturing hundred years of enterprises, leading the development of technological innovation, and strive to create a world-class brand.

        Taiyuan Si Chen Machinery Limited company of products with advanced technology, compact structure, short development cycle, the characteristics of quick return of investment, the quality of the products and all kinds of advanced design can be quite similar equipment in Taiwan, South Korea, but its price is similar products 1/2 ~ 1/3, is a similar product to European 1/3 ~ 1/5. It has good applicability and good economic rationality, by the majority of users at home and abroad, the products are sold to nearly twenty provinces and cities, and exported to Russia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Bulgaria and other countries.

        Products Center

        R & D Center

        Spare Service

              News information      
        For more services, 24 hour phone: +008615035150105
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